Hey gang,
This is Barry's costume in full force taking San Francisco by storm!!
My Space Site http://www.myspace.com/lfreyes
Thanks and See Ya!! Luis Reyes
I just want to write and tell you that I couldn’t be more excited about my Destroyer Costume!
At the time I received the Armor and wings I tried it on right away then fine tuned the adjustable buckles and my wife said my grin didn’t relax until I took it off later that night! Of course I had to put my Cod Piece and Demon Head Boots and Leg Scales and took every bit of restrain to keep me way from the make-up!
I had to immediately go on line and check for any activity to debut the complete ‘Gene’ and lucky for me I found the Super Bowl and Pro Bowl Party so I have sent you Pictures of me and local radio DJ’s of 1077 The Bone Lamont and Tonelli and Sully, http://www.1077thebone.com/rockgirl/probowlparty.asp
The response I got from the crowd of party goers were phenomenal! Every one loved it and I got a lot of thumbs up, tongues and “I wanna Rock and Rolls” sung out to me! Some thought I was really Gene and asked me personal questions until I had to clue them in.
So needless to say I Love My Costume Man!!
Looking for a new event,
Luis Reyes